About Us

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Progress FNQ

Progress FNQ PTY is a disability support services provider that provides quality services in Cairns, Innisfail, Mareeba, and surrounding towns. We pride ourselves on being a Far North Queensland-based Disability Service Provider that understand and put your needs at the heart of everything we do.

our history

About Progress FNQ

The services we provide are personalized and tailored to the needs of the participant. We provide outstanding, practical support to our participants for them to continue to live independent, fulfilling life. We have a very experienced team, we work with vulnerable and disadvantaged groups, including children in out-of-home care, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and people from culturally diverse backgrounds. Our staff have experience in adult mental health and child and youth mental health, and work with participants with complex psychosocial and mental health needs in the community. Our participant group consists of people with a disability, behavioral issues, persistent mental health issues comorbid secondary diagnoses such as substance abuse, serve personality disorders and other physical health issues.

We work with you to help you develop and maintain connection to your community. We can assist you with cleaning, gardening, laundry, cooking and other household tasks. We help you develop coping strategies that will allow you to grow and improve your psychosocial functioning, and physical and emotional well-being. We also support people who are at risk of frequent psychiatric crises which without the involvement of intensive psychosocial support might require them to be frequently hospitalized or to receive extended care within a non-acute inpatient service.

We work with you and your support network to develop a detailed care plan and support plan. Within these documents, we will outline your goals and develop strategies to achieve them. And where appropriate we make recommendations or advocate for you to ensure you are listened to and your needs are met. We conduct ongoing mental state examinations and risk assessments, which leads to treatment and therapeutic intervention such as motivational interview to shift along the continuum of change.

We use approaches such as cognitive behavioral therapy, harm minimization, relapse prevention, solution-based therapy, improving relationships and attachment, sleep management, safety planning, support with medication adherence. We provide psychoeducation, supportive counselling, ongoing risk assessment, development of coping skills, stress management and life skills.


Why Choose Us

The care we provide and the direction we take are led by participants’ choices, needs and goals. We aim to create opportunities and promote independence and progression in a safe and non-discriminative environment for all valued participants. Achieved by providing individual and personalized support 24/7, 365 days a year, always maintaining excellent care and following strict NDIS standards.


Our vision at Progress FNQ is working with you and your support people to make sure you achieve your goals in your plan with trust, thoughtfulness and understanding


Progress FNQ PTY is dedicated to the highest quality of support to people with a disability delivered with trust, care, and empathy.

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